Monday, November 19, 2007

Callie Update

Callie is 7 weeks old now and has started some amazing, sweet, makes-me-love-her-even-more-now things. For starters, any of you who have kids know about newborns and their effect on your sleep "schedule" (if you want to call it that...I think of it more as a nap schedule.) Anyway, Callie is sleeping 4-5 hours at a time at night now so I only get up once. NICE! The best things about getting up at night are her smiles. If you thought you were in love with your baby, just wait until they smile at you. I could have the worst cold (the kind that doesn't let you sleep because you can't breathe out of your nose and your mouth is dry from trying to breathe through it instead) and feel absolutely horrible, but still be happy to drag myself out of bed to see my Callie-girl all for a wonderful, warm smile from her. Sometimes, she even adds a giggle, which is like Christmas in a moment to me. So, she smiles, giggles and has been talking a lot more. I'm in love with those sounds too. Squeaks, gurgles, grunts and little shouts...they are all precious. Speaking of shouts, I think I may have a little stinker on my hands. I swear she knows how to call for me already. It is a breif, but loud shout that she uses repeatedly when I'm not in the same room. When I go to her, she will usually complain about wanting a snack (that's my girl), having a dirty diaper (that's daddy's girl), or just being tired...but sometimes she just smiles (like she knows I'm totally head over heals)...what a stinker!!! She has also found her hands this past week and is happy to suck on them at any time. She has even found just her thumb and sometimes sucking on her hands will put her to sleep. SWEET!! Starting to self-calm already! God has blessed us with a happy, beautiful, sweet little bundle that is growing way to quickly! I can't believe it's been 7 weeks already!!! And she's over 11 lbs. now. It's not fair, but definitely exciting, amazing, awesome, and so totally wonderful. How can anyone not believe in God and the love He has for His people after witnessing such a beautiful miracle for themselves?! Here are the latest pics of Callie. She sends kisses and giggles to everyone.
P.S. We went to see Aunt Kelsey run her first 1/2 marathon this weekend. She finished in 2 hours and 2 minutes! Yay Aunt Kelsey!

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