Callie is almost crawling. In fact, I think she may figure it out by the end of this weekend! She gets frustrated pretty easily when she's on her belly now because she knows she can move, just not fast enough or the way she wants yet, but she's close. Today, she was on hands and knees, moved her knees forward and then her left hand forward. She shifted forward and liked it, so I think she'll get it pretty quick. Here are some pics of her from earlier this week when she was trying out her body strength. For those of you who practice yoga, you may recognize these moves as plank and cobra.

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Both done with a smile. Way to go baby girl!!! More pics of the crawling progress to come.
You go, girl!! You'll get it soon & leave Eli in the dust. He'll have to learn soon so he can chase after his girl!!
Way to go, Callie. Tell your mommy thanks for the reminder about bf group being cancelled for the holiday. We could have shown up and been all alone! And tell your mommy I hope she got off of jury duty, but if not, she and I would be happy to hang with you on Monday! Just email her at if you need us.
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