Wednesday, October 24, 2007

A Wonderful Visit

Last week, my sister Cindy and her son Benjamin came down from Atwater, MN to visit Callie, Jamie, Remi and I. They came for a week and it was a wonderful visit. She helped with meals and kept me entertained, but most of all, I appreciated her advice and companionship the whole week. Benjamin made us laugh most of the day and Callie didn't let anyone change her newborn "schedule", or lack thereof. My favorite thing Benjamin does is sing...imagine holding one note out as long as you can and then when you run out of breath, take another breath and pick up right where you left off. That's what Benjamin's singing is and it's funny how you get used to those beautiful sounds. After I came home from taking them to the airport, I really missed all of Benjamin's sounds, especially his singing. Cindy and I didn't go anywhere or do anything except talk and take care of babies, but it was a great time that I will remember for a long time after these babies grow up. I hope we can remember some funny stories from the week (like filling up the Diaper Genie in one day) so that we can bring them up when our kids are grown. I really enjoyed spending time with them, since I don't get to see them often at all anymore. Here are some pics from the week. Cindy and Benjamin, thanks again for coming down and making my 3rd week with Callie lots of fun!!! We miss you already, love you lots and can't wait to see you again.
P.S. On Monday, Callie weighed 9 lbs. 5 oz. She's a great eater!

1 comment:

C Strickland said...

Thanks Cheryl! That's totally what I needed today! God, you are Awesome! I will remember Benjamin's and my visit for a long time as well. We miss you too. And remember, I will work on recording Benjamin's singing for you so you can listen to him whenever you want. God's Blessings.