My labor was awesome and my midwife, super-awesome. It definitely was not without pain, but it went as well as I expected and for most of the labor, I felt very in control of the pain. One thing I did differently this time was to pray on every fear that I had about this labor and delivery weeks before it started. I would've never thought to pray on some of these things until I read a post from a blog called "Passionate Homemaking." My good friend, Tori, sent me a link to the post and it made a whole lot of sense to me; that I give my fears to the Lord and ask specifically for what I want. I already knew that, but just didn't think about asking for the "little things" in this case. I basically told God that I was afraid of not getting any sleep before labor started, afraid of the pain that comes with labor and delivery, afraid of how long labor would last, afraid that Callie would be very confused when everything started, (depending upon when it started.) I knew Callie would be well taken care of, but I wanted to say good-bye to her and explain a little before we left for the hospital. God came through in each of these petitions. I got a good 4 1/2 hrs. of sleep the night labor started (labor started at 3:30 am), I was able to manage the pain of early and active labor well, had a relatively quick labor and delivery, and was able to see Callie before going to the hospital to briefly explain to her that we would see her later with Madison too! She was very excited that grandma had come to her house so early in the morning to play with her.
The hardest part of this labor and delivery was the transition labor. Those contractions were so intense with little breaks between. I was in transition for almost an hour--very draining. My water had not broken yet and I was stalled at a 7-8 for a bit. I was quickly running out of energy so my midwife and I decided to break the water so we could move labor along. About 15 after breaking my water, it was all over and Madison had arrived. I only pushed for 8 minutes this time and since I did this drug-free, I delivered on hands and knees after starting to push on my back. One reason for this was that Madi's heart rate slowed once she dropped so quickly after the water broke and the other reason was that position was more comfortable to me anyway. I nearly did my entire labor half-way bent over or on my hands and knees. I tried other coping strategies too, like laboring on a birthing ball, back massage, and laboring in a jacuzzi tub. They were all helpful and I really enjoyed the freedom of being out of bed. I'm not sure I spent 30 minutes in the bed. I was up and about the whole time.
This birth experience was wonderful and what I wanted it to be. My recovery so far has been easier and quicker as well. I am so thankful for Kimberly, my midwife too. She was awesome at handling the staff of nurses so I could have the birth I wanted and was very encouraging and calm, but excited through the whole experience. And now I have two precious girls to care for and watch grow. I'm so blessed! I think daddy is getting used to all of us girls too--he was awesome through this birth and a bit more laid back as well. If you are familiar with the cartoon "Thundercats," ask Jamie sometime about how that cartoon played into my labor. :)
We thank God for our healthy girls and the people that have helped us bring them into the world with love.
Finally, here are some pics of the big day!

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I *loved* reading all about your birth and am so thankful that it all went well! Thanks for the encouragement!
Thanks for posting your story...not sure I'll be so brave but glad to hear all was as hoped prayed for...awesome! Look forward to seeing you all again soon!
You amaze me! I can't believe how matter of fact you are about having a natural birth- superwoman for sure. I was in transition by the time my epidural kicked in and could hardly bare it. And you look so peaceful in the pictures. Wow, wow, wow. And little Madi is a sweetie.
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